Sewing Multiple Signature Pamphlets Into Binders
A multiple-signature pamphlet that is side sewn or side stapled can be punched or drilled and sewn into a binder using the 3 or 5 hole pamphlet stitch above. Also, the staples can be removed and the signatures sewn individually.
Multiple signature pamphlets that are sewn through the fold may be attached to a pamphlet binder with a secondary sewing to retain the ability of the pamphlet to open flat.
Check the original sewing to make sure it is sound. If the sewing needs to be repaired or the signatures are loose, follow the directions for sewing with link stitch prior to attaching the pamphlet to the binder.
Attach the sewn multiple-signature pamphlet into a binder using either the three hole or five hole pamphlet stitch as outlined in previous posts. Sew and knot each sewn signature separately so the sewing threads will be tight.
- For a 2 signature pamphlet – punch and sew each signature to the binder.
- For a 3 – 4 signature pamphlet – punch and sew the 1st and 3rd signatures to the binder.
- For a 5 signature pamphlet – punch and sew the lst, 3rd and 5th signatures to the binder.